Saturday, January 18, 2025


Google opens Bay View campus almost 10 years after concept unveiled

Время на чтение 1 мин.

The project is unique not only in terms of design, but also in terms of the technologies used. For example, a figured roof, in the design of which the principle of “scales” was used, consists of 90 thousand silver plates that generate energy. These solar panels generate almost 7 megawatts of energy and provide 40% of the need. The office will receive the rest of its energy from wind farms.

The new campus has the largest geothermal facility in North America that will heat and cool the campus without the use of fossil fuels. It will also reduce water use by 90%, thanks to pumps that will absorb heat from the ground in winter and transfer it to the ground in summer. The total campus area is 102.2 thousand m2. There are offices, event halls and temporary housing for employees.

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