Saturday, January 25, 2025


Textron eAviation reveals what’s next for Nexus

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? The company has finally revealed the new design of its electric airtaxi.

Originally developed by a Bell subsidiary in 2019, the Nexus was conceived as a small hybrid-electric eVTOL vehicle with 6 inclined ducted propellers to provide lift and forward thrust. It then evolved into an all-electric aircraft with 2 smaller fans and a small wing to provide lift as it flies forward.

▪️ Now the air taxi looks completely different. There are no more duct fans, they will be replaced by two fixed rotors mounted on the tail booms. They are also supplemented with 4 rotary propellers on the wing.

Assembly of the first prototype is due to begin next year at the Textron eAviation plant in Wichita, Kansas. At the same time, the manufacturer is in no hurry to bring Nexus to the market. The release is scheduled for 2030.

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